PHPSEO 2.0 is finally out! Direct download available (registration not needed)
Welcome to PHPSEO
- A single PHP portable file.
- Use web hostings as free proxies.
- No setup, no database.
- Use online or local.
- Availabie in English and Spanish.
- Autoupdates & support.

URL scraper
Search URLs by keyword.
Search URLs by keyword, footprint, number of results & Google TLD.
Data extractor from multiple URLs.
Extract URLs, links, images,emails & any other content from multiple URLs
Get keywords and monthly traffic estimate (search volume by country).
Get keyword suggestions from Google, YouTube or Amazon based in any main keyword.
Search images & download them in bulk.
Enter a keyword and search for images on Google. Download them all in .zip format with a single click.
Drag & drop and edit images in bulk.
Select multiple images and apply different operations to all at once: size, format conversion, add text, add watermark, etc.
Paste an article and check if it already exists on Google.
Use the manual or automatic check (manual recommended) to know if a text is considered plagiarized in SEO (it already exists in Google).
Check if a list of URLs are indexed in Google.
The indexed URL checker looks for each URL in Google and compares if it exists in the index. It is recommended to keep the 60 second interval between each URL to check large lists without risk of being blocked.
Analyze the SEO authority of multiple domains in bulk.
The results obtained are based on the authority of the Web Archive and Majestic SEO (graph of trust flow and citation flow).
The new premium module for followers only. Not for sale, but you can easily get a free license here.
Scan thousands of domains in search of expired ones from some source URLs. Locate expired domains with backlinks and SEO authority, available for registration.
- count number of words and characters
- convert URLs to HTML links
- extract URLs from HTML content
- extract images from HTML content
- delete duplicate lines
- erase empty lines
- convert lines to spintax
- convert spintax to lines
- convert spintax to comma separated values
- convert lines to comma separated values
A collection of tools that every SEO has ever needed.
A module with many tools that can help you in your SEO work.
- convert comma separated values to lines
- convert comma separated values to spintax
- convert first letter of each word to uppercase
- convert first letter of each line to uppercase
- convert all to uppercase
- convert all to lowercase
- sort lines AZ
- sort lines ZA
- sort lines randomly
Remove lines from list 1 that contain any of the lines from list 2.
Insert links inside any article using random words as anchor text.
Extract HTML tables or HTML code blocks based in any CSS attribute.
- merge multiple TXT files into one
- merge multiple CSV files into one
- convert CSV files into TXT files (columns to lines)
- convert TXT files to CSV files (lines to columns)
Latest videos and tutorials about PHPSEO
Click the button below to start downloading PHPSEO
- Download PHPSEO and unzip the file.
- (Optional) If you want to search using Google, local server is recommended. Install XAMPP or any other local PHP server.
- Paste/upload the file phpseo.php in your PHP server and visit the URL where phpseo.php is located.
- Enjoy!
You may receive a warning from your hosting antivirus when downloading the PHPSEO + Expired Finder version as the code is encrypted. Don’t worry, it is a false positive that you can ignore.
Get support or give me your feedback in our Facebook group.
Check the updated documentation in the -HELP- section of PHPSEO.
Welcome to PHPSEO
Welcome to PHPSEO! a free SEO tool made with a lot of love 🙂
I’m Juanma, an Spanish SEO with some coding knowledge and 20+ years experience doing this kind of things. By creating PHPSEO I’m trying to provide a cool replacement for a lot other tools and custom scripts that may be useful for SEO purposes.
You can follow me in Twitter or YouTube to get cool contents like footprints, content extractor templates or vote for the next updates 🙂
Main features
- Free URL scraper, bulk URL data extractor, keyword generator, bulk image downloader & editor, plagiarism checker & indexed URL checker.
- Use website IPs instead of proxies (web proxies).
- Create your own proxy in any hosting provider.
- Do you own multiple hostings or PBNs? You can use them as a free proxy network with PHPSEO!
- No installation needed, no database.
- Everything is contained in a single PHP portable file. All config is stored in auto generated .txt and .json files.
- Local server (e.g. Xampp) is recommended but not required. Just paste/upload phpseo.php file to any PHP server and start working.
Create & use web proxies
Use free web proxies!
PHPSEO allows you to create and use your own free proxies by hosting them in any web hosting provider.
You just need to set a password and create a new copy of the file phpseo-proxy.php. Upload it so any website folder.
Keep in mind that you will need different IP addresses per hosting. If they are shared IP address hostings, they may be already banned from the search engines (or asking a captcha).
How to create a new web proxy?
- Visit the Proxy Manager.
- Set up a new password and press CREATE and DOWNLOAD PROXY FILE.
- Upload the phpseo-proxy.php file to any website and get the full URL of that file including the password parameter.
- Save your new proxy to the list using SAVE button.
Proxy file format: Proxy name @@@
URL scraper
Search URLs by keyword, footprint, number of results & Google TLD
Search keywords in Google, get up to 400 results. It is better so set a max of 300 results (most keywords will not return 400).
You can use a footprint to filter the search results.
PHPSEO allows you to choose between different default footprints. You can also add custom footprints in the -main settings-.
Data extractor
Extract URLs, links, images,emails & any other content from multiple URLs
By using this tool you can extract: all links, internal links, external links, image URLs (hard and soft mode), email address and almost any other content using custom templates.
How to create custom templates?
Custom templates allow you to extract any content from multiple URLs, by setting up -begin- and -end- markers for every field that you want to scrape.
You can create and save new templates using the file content-extractor-templates.txt
Add new templates, one per line, following the format below. You can create as many templates as you want with as many fields as you need.
Template format: Template name @@@ field1 ### beginfield1 ### endfield1 @@@ field2 ### beginfield2 ### endfield2 @@@ field3 ### beginfield3 ### endfield3
So you will use two kind of separators, “@@@” to separate the template name and every new field, and “###” to separate the field name from the -begin- and -end- markers.
PHPSEO uses regular expressions to find content in the content extractor module. If you cannot get a content, we recommend you to try the regex at until it works.
Regex sample: begin([\s\S]*?)end/s
Exporting the scraped data
If you are extracting URLs, you will see and manage them as in any other module.
If you are extracting content using a custom template, you will be able to save your content as txt, csv or xlsx formats.
- txt: export multiple txt files (one per URL)
- csv: export one CSV file containing all the extracted content
- xlsx: export one XLSX (excel) file containing all the extracted content.
Keyword generator
Get keyword suggestions from Google, YouTube or Amazon based in any main keyword
Enter a keyword to get all the Google related suggestions.
This tool will loop from A to Z in Google suggestions using your main keyword as the beginning of every suggestion. You can use * symbol as a normal Google wildcard.
Bulk image downloader & editor
Search images & download them
Enter a keyword to extract related Google Images URLs. Optionally, clean the list or remove duplicate URLs. You can also paste image URLs extracted from data extractor module or any other sources.
Use the -DOWNLOAD IMGs- button to download a .zip file containing all the images.
Select multiple images and modify them
Select multiple images and apply edition effects over them. You can add different texts using the file imagetext.txt and use different fonts, watermarks, sizes…
You can also convert any image to JPG, PNG, GIF or WEBP.
Plagiarism checker
Paste your text and check plagiarism using Google
Paste a text of 100 words or more and check plagiarism against Google results using random sentences.
The automatic check will use one random text fragment. The manual check will show you three buttons to manually check three different random fragments.
Indexed URL checker
Check if URLs are Google indexed in bulk
Paste a list of URLs (one per line) and check if they are Google indexed.
You can download the results in CSV format and/or copy the results from the textarea and paste them to a spreadsheet.
System requirements
- PHPSEO version: 1.0BETA.
- Tested: PHP 5.6.402.0 and up.
- Server max execution time recommended: 240 seconds, (current timeout 60 seconds ).
Get support
If you have questions or problems when using PHPSEO, I recommend you to join the Facebook support group and publish your question there.
For fast questions, you can find me at Twitter & YouTube.
Currently, PHPSEO is 100% free and BETA, so you will help me reporting any problem.
Do not hate me if you have problems, do not abuse your hosting provider resources and everything should be fine 🙂
Why the tool is not finishing the batch process? (freezes)
Problem: if the “Processing URL batch” cycle seems to never end, probably your server is overloaded and is not responding to requests.
Solution: if you are making heavy operations with a lot of URLs, install Xampp or other local web server and use PHPSEO in your local computer. Remember to increase the local sever max execution timeout and other default settings if needed.
You can also increase the -batch delay- setting & decrease -blocks per batch- setting to mitigate this problem.
Can I use normal proxies (no web) with PHPSEO?
It is not tested, anyway, you should be able to do it by editing the PHP proxy files following these instructions.
Can I use my phone IP as a web proxy?
There are multiple apps that allow you to run a PHP web server in your mobile devices. I have not tested it, but if you can obtain a public URL, and this apps have the basic PHP extensions like cURL, it should work.
If you are skilled enough to make it work, I will be happy to hear your feeedback :).
Do I need a local server to use PHPSEO?
It is not mandatory, but I recommend it. Using a local server like XAMPP will allow you to easily increase Execution Time or Upload Size settings to higher values.
PHPSEO changelog
- The keywords module now allows you to get the estimated traffic results for each country.
- The keywords module now allows locating the seed keyword at the end of each phrase for Google and YT, being able to obtain double the results.
- New module: bulk domain authority checker. Check domain authority in bulk.
- New module: multi tools. It contains many sub-tools, some are suggestions from PHPSEO users.
- New module: expired domain finder. Search for expired domains, module for followers only.
- New tables interface for greater convenience in some of the modules.
- The indexed URL checker module now incorporates its own pause between each check. 60 seconds is the recommended value for checking large quantities.
- The bulk image editing module now allows you to drag and drop files.
- Button “trim to domain”, reduce a URL to its domain / main directory.
- Multiple bugs fixed in the bulk image editor and the bulk downloader.
- Fixed bug in indexed URL checker when slashes were present.
- Fixed bug in keyword results obtained from YouTube.
- Several minor bugs fixed.