How to detect malware/viruses/hacks/phishing in a URL | Free online tool

In this video we show you a free online tool to check the viral infection status of a website.

The Sitecheck tool of Sucuri, allows us to detect malware, phishing, hacks, viruses and any other type of vulnerability in a URL. We just have to enter the URL in question in the scanner and start analyzing the site, showing us a complete report after a few seconds.

You can visit the tool here:

Besides informing us about infections, it also gives us details of which is the CMS used by the website (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Prestashop …) and whether it is updated or not to its latest version.

In the video you can see how we scanned a couple of random websites: and a domain full of viruses that we’re not going to name better;)

If you are disinfecting a website and looking for help, or want to share your experience with us, leave us a comment!

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